Upcoming Scheduling Requests

Respond to Requests

How to Make Donations to FUUSE

If you are writing checks out to FUUSE please send a separate check for each fund or campaign -- for example, the Annual Fund, the Capital Campaign, or Give-It-Away charities. It makes for cleaner fund tracking and helps the office.

Please mail checks to PO Box 627 - it's more secure and weatherproof than sending it to our street address mailboxes.

Would you like to start automated giving? Online giving can automate your donations. It also relieves the staff and volunteers of many hours otherwise spent typing transactions into accounting software, endorsing checks, and taking checks to the bank. With online giving, your donation goes directly into our bank account and the financial data goes directly into our accounting software. FUUSE uses an online donations payment platform called Tithe.ly

If you would like to use online giving for both the Annual Fund and the Capital Campaign, set up two separate recurring donation schedules, one for each campaign.

Click here to make a donation.

Click here for FUUSE-specific notes and tips for donating through Tithe.ly

Already giving online and want to change it? To change your online giving amount or dates,  please be sure you remove your old schedule of payments in Tithe.ly and set up a new one. See the FUUSE-specific notes and tips above to see how to change your schedule or payment methods.

Give in the manner in which you are comfortable. The office is open year round and will be accepting online payments (easiest method to process), checks mailed (to PO Box 627 only please) or call us first if you wish to drop a check by the office.

Tutoring support available - contact Nancy Grenier in the office for help setting up your recurring donations.

Thank you for your dedication and the sharing of your treasure with FUUSE to help us fulfill our mission.

Our mission: At FUUSE we seek to build a caring, inclusive community where we can ground ourselves spiritually, pursue justice in the larger society, and work to heal the natural world.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nancy Grenier, office@exeteruu.org


Give it Away Descriptions

Each month, the Outreach committee sponsors a Give It Away Sunday, usually the 3rd Sunday of the month.  The committee looks for local non-profits that are working toward the goals of the Outreach team, as requested by the congregation (eg homelessness, youth, elderly, the environment).  All donations gathered that morning are sent directly to the organization.  Recent recipients include:  Seacoast Family Promise, End 68 Hours of Hunger, Community Action Center/St Vincent de Paul, the Gift of Warmth, Connor's Climb, Blue Ocean Society.  We continue to be amazed by the generosity of our friends and members at FUUSE.



Training for Sanctuary Volunteers

TRAINING FOR SANCTUARY VOLUNTEERS: The Seacoast Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition is preparing to provide sanctuary to an immigrant family facing the threat of deportation.  We need overnight volunteers and others who will share the wonderful work of this important endeavor.  Interested volunteers are invited to join us for Part 1 of a two-part volunteer training on either June 27, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at First Parish Church, 218 Central Avenue in Dover.  Join us to learn about program expectations and values, and to get to know our team. We will focus specifically on the role of the overnight volunteer, but all interested people are welcome. Note: Part 2 will take place later in the summer.
Refreshments will be provided.  Registration is required so please RSVP to Charlotte Ramsay, your congregation’s volunteer coordinator, (clcramsay@gmail.com).  

*The Seacoast Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition is a gathering of faith communities and individuals who strive to follow the teachings at the core of our various faith traditions: Love our neighbor and welcome the stranger.  We are dismayed by (1) the current treatment of undocumented immigrants; (2) the separation of families by needless deportation; and (3) the appalling increase in hate-filled speech and hate-inspired violence in our country.  We place ourselves in solidarity with our immigrant neighbors and offer sanctuary to immigrant families who face threats of detention, deportation, family separation, and violence.

Summer Services at FUUSE

Summer Services at FUUSE at 9:30 AM starting on July 15, 2018: Over the last several years, our summer services have grown from just a few each Sunday to 20+ nearly every Sunday in 2017. My hope is we that we continue this trend of solid summer participation making FUUSE a vibrant spiritual place during the summer months. You can help make that happen by joining in this summer. Beginning on July 15th and for five consecutive weeks thereafter, we will hold "Breakfast Church," a different way of experiencing community.

Join us! Bring a bite to eat and a bit for someone else and be ready for a summer service with a twist! We'll have music, poetry and reflective conversation over a shared meal. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend even if you can't bring breakfast food to share.

By the way, we are looking for helpers for the breakfast part and with leading elements of the service. If you want to get involved with this new way of being together on a Sunday morning during the summer months, contact Mary Doane at MaryDoane62@gmail.com****************************************************************************************************************************

Flower Communion

Flower Ceremony - We will celebrate our flower ceremony this year on June 17th.  I hope you will join us to celebrate some of the wisdom from the year and to flowers as celebration of our unique gifts for community and the world.  This year we invite you to bring flowers and seedlings or cuttings from plants, garden plants or house plants.  Nature loves a wild diversity.  Bring a flower or green and growing thing on the 17th.