Upcoming Scheduling Requests

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Religious Education Programming November 2018 through February 2019

Dear FUUSE Family,


The time is inching near to us, that I will step away for a couple of months as I tend to a brand new baby at home! It will be a busy time of year for us all (around the holidays and the new year), and I’m sure it will fly by! I am planning to be on maternity leave for the months of December and January, and will be returning in early February. Rest assured, that our children’s programming will continue on in the same way while I am gone! The members of the Religious Education (RE) Committee are generously devoting their time and energies into carrying on all the jobs that are done while I am gone. Wondering who these wonder women are??


Our RE Committee Members:

Jessica Michelsen

Emily Samuel

Alex Allen

Anne Tufts


Each and every week, someone will act in my stead on Sunday morning, and coordinate with the teachers for that week. So if you see one of them at church and need any questions answered, grab them when you can! Additionally, each member will act as an ongoing point person for the duration of my maternity leave for the following jobs:


Nursery Care - Jessica Michelsen

Special Events - Anne Tufts

Parent Newsletter Communication - Emily Samuel

General Email and Contact Person - Alex Allen


I feel unbelievably grateful for this group of women who are stepping up and taking on more jobs and responsibilities while I am gone, so next time you see them give them a special little “thank you!” for all that they do and will be doing soon! I will be in church for about one more month, and my last Sunday is scheduled to be November 25. While that is the plan, we are prepared for any adjustments that need to be made on both the early and late ends of my planned leave. If you have any questions, or have any ideas for December and January, or would like to help in any special way, please don’t hesitate to contact me soon!


~ LJ Francoeur, DRE


Volunteering - Giving of your Talents to your Spiritual Home

Volunteering is a ministry - it helps FUUSE and can help you get connected, stay connected and is a valuable investment of your time and energy for you and for your spiritual home, FUUSE.


New Welcoming Circle Coordinator, Gwen Kenney - Over the summer, Gwen Kenney and Yvonne Zinicola met and Gwen has volunteered to be our Welcoming Circle Coordinator working in partnership with Yvonne as of September 2018. As Welcoming Circle Coordinator, Gwen will support all the Welcoming Circle Team leaders and ensure a volunteer representation of Welcoming Circle on the Program Council. Yvonne will continue to work on training for Welcoming Circle -the paper, the videos and more. Thanks for stepping up, Gwen!


New Welcoming Circle Team Leader - Keturah Kreps, member of team #8, will begin leading Team #8 in the New Year, transitioning from Dawn Huebner. Thanks for your service, Dawn. Thanks for stepping up, Keturah!


To begin a conversation about how you can give of your talents through volunteer opportunities, please contact Yvonne Zinicola: office@exeteruu.org

Crop Walk 2018

CROP Hunger Walk - Sunday, October 14 - Walk begins at Swasey Park at 12:30p (rain or shine) - FUUSE has been part of this Seacoast Hunger Walk for 36 years. Join this effort in 2018 to ease the hunger many feel in our commuties. Families are still hungry in the Seacoast and Exeter Area - and around the Globe.  We have 5 area food pantries and they need your help to offer food to the hungry. We can do this by your donation. There are 3 ways to donate (1) Give-It-Away plate with at check made to CWS/CROP (2) Not here on Oct 14? Send your check to  P.O. Box 627, Exeter, NH 03833 (3) Go to the CWS website and donate on line. Click here for link. Please remember that for every $1 you give; $20 of food can be purchased from the NH Food Bank!  And then, walk with other FUUSE members on Sunday, Oct 14 at 12:30 from Swasey Park.  You can  show your support for ending hunger by walking on this 2 or 3 mile walk. Contact: Sally Coleman at scolema@aol.com

Socially Responsible Investing

Save the Date! Socially Responsible Investing

Monday, October 1, FUUSE Parish Hall, 7:00 – 8:00 PM Learn about making socially responsible investments from a panel of two impressive local professionals to guide us. FUUSE Social Justice Committee welcomes your questions to follow brief talks by Alison Pyott, Partner and Senior Wealth Manager, Veris Wealth Partners, and Debby Miller, Vice President, External Relations for NH Community Loan Fund. Contact sylviajfoster@gmail.com

Transgender Support Group

Transgender Support Group starts at FUUSE
This is a therapist-led support group for transgender adults (ages 20 and up) who are in various stages of coming out and transition, including those who have been living fully transitioned for some time. Group provides a safe place to connect, learn, and support each other. For more information please contact Julie Marsden, PsyD at 603-686-2838.