Upcoming Scheduling Requests

Respond to Requests

New and Improved Program Council

Dear Member of the New-and-Improved Program Council,

We wanted to remind you that we will be meeting on Sunday, June 3 at 11:15am in the Parsonage Dining Room.
The purpose of the meeting is two-fold:
1. We realize in the 'old' Program Council's enthusiasm for a potential new model, we raced ahead without gauging buy-in from the folks we were hoping would take part (i.e., YOU). We're sorry about that. We also plunged in with our vision for the new PC without involving the broader group in creating that vision. So, we'd like to take a step back.
I (Dawn) recently went to a UUA workshop on Spiritual Leadership. We'd like to bring to this group an exercise they recommended called Discerning the Sweet Spot to help us clarify our goals, see how they align with our mission, and determine where we are with respect to having the resources and the will to move forward with the *new* model for Program Council. This Sweet Spot tool, if we like it, will potentially be useful for the Program Council moving forward as we are asked to consider new program initiatives presented by FUUSE members and friends.
This part of the meeting will take approximately 30 minutes.
2. For the second half of the meeting, we'd like to talk about the FUUSE calendar, and begin planning for the 2018-2019 church year.
It would be most helpful if committee chairs could start thinking about the events (programs open to the broader church community) your committee is likely to be involved in from September - December. We'd like to get onto a Program Council calendar things your committee does annually (Thanksgiving Baskets, for example, or the Children's Shopping Table), and also anything new you might have in the works - workshops, art initiatives, RE family activities, etc.
Putting all of this on a collective calendar (we'll bring a big one) will allow us to see where the gaps might be, and help us think as a group about whether we - the Program Council - might want to host an event (for example, a Welcome Back to Church brunch), or whether an individual committee might want to step in to organize something.
Please note: no one will be saddled with hosting a social event they don't want to host! The idea, instead, is to have more eyes on the many and varied programs offered at FUUSE, and a coordinated, collective effort to serve the programmatic needs of our community. No one will be asked to do anything they don't want to do!
Remember: with the new model, Program Council will be meeting as a group only 4 times a year, always on a Sunday after Coffee Hour.
We have invited to the June 3 meeting everyone who heads a committee or group that offers programs of any kind at FUUSE. If you think you have been invited in error, please reach out to Gwen or Dawn to let us know. Our aim is to have at the table the many and varied people involved with programs at FUUSE, but we don't want to burden anyone or ask you to be here against your will.
One final thing: the model of Program Council has been to have committee chairs send summaries of their committee's activities from the prior month (or few months) to one another in advance of meetings. If you have something you can share with the group about your committee's recent activity, please send your summary to Gwen Kenney by May 31 - rather than sending it to the whole group. Gwen will batch the summaries and send them to the collective group prior to our June 3 meeting.
For those who haven't done this before, we are looking for brief, bullet-point summaries. The idea is to capture the highlights - what your committee did, how it went, what you are working on next - without the level of detail that might be contained in a full set of minutes.
Thank you for reading through to the end, and for your willingness to be part of this new venture. We look forward to seeing you on June 3.
Gwen Kenney (current chair of PC) and Dawn Huebner (soon-to-be chair of PC)

Congregational Survey Results of March 2018

Dear FUUSE Members,

The Board of Trustees met on Saturday, April 7th for a Board Retreat.  At this gathering we paused to think about the year’s accomplishments, reflected on the Minister’s review and set goals for the upcoming year.  We are excited to share the results of the church survey that was created and administered by a committee comprised of FUUSE members Tony Tufts, Jonathan Winsor, Jennifer Morriss, Mollie Allen and Bert Lamb. Please join the Board in thanking them for their hard work on this project. The link below takes you to the thorough summary of the Survey results and comments.  The big picture is that we confirmed a few things we already knew: that this congregation has a strong sense of community, that people feel cared for here and are generous with their time. We heard that folks feel our social justice program reflects our values. And we learned that we need to continue to improve communication, there is a lot to communicate. Those who responded shared lots of interesting insights and observations about religious education and supporting involvement at FUUSE.  There is a lot to chew on here and we plan to choose a couple of areas to focus on in the next church year. We will seek input from members of the congregation about this in the fall. Thank you for thinking about our community.

Thank you for thinking about our community. Click here to access the survey results.


Updates posted below appear in chronological order from the most recent update (at top) to the updates from when they began:

August 7, 2019

Dear FUUSE Friends and Members,

Here is a brief renovation update.

  • Renovation project is running smoothly and on schedule at this point
  • The walls have been opened, and digging out under the old kitchen is under way in preparation for the new stairs to the lower level
  • Some framing for the new wall in the community room has also been started
  • The kitchen and bathroom are in the preliminary laying out stage

If you have questions please feel free to contact a board or Renovation Committee member.

Board Members

Cliff Sinnott cliffsinnott@gmail.com

Jan Stephens janetstephens30@gmail.com

Karen Patnaude kpatnaude11@comcast.net

Holley Daschbach peacecat123@yahoo.com

Jim Webber sagesinbloom@gmail.com

Dan Garvey dcgarvey@gmail.com

Dawn Huebner dawnahuebner@gmail.com

Bert Lamb alamb@pobox.com

Renovations Committee

Deb Merrick fjmerrick@gmail.com

Dave Michelsen michelsens@comcast.net

Cliff Sinnott cliffsinnott@gmail.com

Gwen Kenney sckenney2@msn.com

Nancy Fiske 9nancyfiske@comcast.net

Denise Short denise_short@hotmail.com

Will Urban swurban@aol.com

Jed Waddell Jed.waddell@gmail.com


July 16, 2019

Dear FUUSE Friends and Members,

I hope summer is bringing rest, renewal and adventure in abundance to everyone. 

Things are moving along on the renovation work. As of this writing, both the upstairs and downstairs spaces  have been tested for hazardous materials. The results indicate that there is a trace (less than 1%) of asbestos in the wall plaster and that there are shelf liners in the kitchen cabinets that have asbestos as well. The result of less than 1% was the best result we could have had after discovering that asbestos was present and means that the demo crew is allowed to remove the material and take the extra steps needed to do so safely and ensure proper disposal.

The basement demolition is complete, and demolition of what will be the new kitchen is under way as of now.  Once that is complete, work will begin on the new kitchen and surrounding walls.

The windows from the nursery will be saved and donated to Habitat for Humanity, and the light fixtures and wall sconces will be saved for future use as well. 

If you have questions about the renovation process please contact a Renovation Committee or Board member.

Board Members

Cliff Sinnott  cliffsinnott@gmail.com

Jan Stephens  janetstephens30@gmail.com

Karen Patnaude  kpatnaude11@comcast.net

Holley Daschbach  peacecat123@yahoo.com

Jim Webber  sagesinbloom@gmail.com

Dan Garvey  dcgarvey@gmail.com

Dawn Huebner  dawnahuebner@gmail.com

Bert Lamb  alamb@pobox.com

Renovations Committee

Deb Merrick  fjmerrick@gmail.com

Dave Michelsen  michelsens@comcast.net

Cliff Sinnott  cliffsinnott@gmail.com

Gwen Kenney sckenney2@msn.com

Nancy Fiske  9nancyfiske@comcast.net

Denise Short  denise_short@hotmail.com

Will Urban  swurban@aol.com

Jed Waddell  Jed.waddell@gmail.com


July 2, 2019

Dear FUUSE Friends and Members,

Over the next few months, we, on the Board and the Renovations Committee, plan to keep you aware of what’s happening with the renovation process. As some of you may already know, the organ has been carefully dismantled, labeled and taken to its new home in Western Massachusetts where it will make music once again. Below are some pictures of that work. 

In terms of the renovation, the garden area between the sanctuary and parsonage has been prepared for the upcoming work and just this past week the ramp at the front of the church was removed, making way for work this summer and an eventual new ramp at the new entrance where the kitchen was.  

We expect to update you every couple of weeks, describing progress and including pictures where we can.  If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact any Board or Renovations Committee member.  Contact information is below.

Thank you again to every community member supporting and involved in this exciting transformation.  We will keep you posted!

Board Members

Cliff Sinnott cliffsinnott@gmail.com

Jan Stephens janetstephens30@gmail.com

Karen Patnaude kpatnaude11@comcast.net

Holley Daschbach peacecat123@yahoo.com

Jim Webber sagesinbloom@gmail.com

Dan Garvey dcgarvey@gmail.com

Dawn Huebner dawnahuebner@gmail.com

Bert Lamb alamb@pobox.com

Renovations Committee

Deb Merrick fjmerrick@gmail.com

Dave Michelsen michelsens@comcast.net

Cliff Sinnott cliffsinnott@gmail.com

Gwen Kenney sckenney2@msn.com

Nancy Fiske 9nancyfiske@comcast.net

Denise Short denise_short@hotmail.com

Will Urban swurban@aol.com

Jed Waddell Jed.waddell@gmail.com

March 20, 2019

Dear FUUSE members and friends:

Time for another update with progress and plans since the community vote in January. Here’s what the Board, the architect, the Renovations Committee, and many other FUUSE members have been up to:

  • Detailed design work is almost complete: There have been several focused meetings looking at refining kitchen design and courtyard and landscaping/outside space. The goal is to complete design and circulate the drawings to contractors for bids in April and pick a contractor in May.
  • Current construction start will be in June: There will be minimal disturbance to services this church year but once construction begins, we will be meeting elsewhere and exploring creative ways to keep connected while our spaces are renovated and updated. Construction will last from 6 to 8 months from start to finish, so we are looking at beginning months of 2020 before complete (and improved) functionality for all church facilities. The Board and Renovations Committee are exploring options about where to hold services this fall.
  • All hands on deck for packing up and cleaning out: The Church has a lot to do to get ready for this including getting everything out of almost all areas of the church, which must happen in April and May. Planning work for the move is ongoing including assigning committees to take care of their stuff and determining where we are going to store everything. All rental groups using the building have been asked to find new spaces starting in April. Although construction won’t begin until June, we have a lot of work to do to prepare in April and May (removal of equipment, furniture, kitchen stuff, etc.), and spaces throughout the buildings will not be equipped/available starting in those months.
  • Celebrating its service and bidding farewell to the organ: As you probably know, the renovation plans call for removing and dismantling the organ, which needs significant maintenance and repair (costing at least $15,000) and the ‘hidden’ room it occupies is needed as part of the renovation design. We are investigating salvage and reuse possibilities for the organ (including creating art/repurposing parts). Stay tuned for information on final celebration of the organ during the service on April 14 with Margery Prazar, who will also tell some of the history of the organ.
  • Farewell to the garden and making space for new growth: Renovation and construction activities will require complete redesign and planting of the courtyard garden between the sanctuary and the parsonage. We are inventorying, planning, and designing and will have a farewell to the garden sometime later this spring.

How Do I Find Out More? We will update the website, the FUUSE Facebook page, and send out another letter between now and the start of construction. Please contact any member of the Renovations Committee or the Board with any questions during this exciting and transformative time. We are excited to be moving forward together and look forward to this next part of our community life.


Board Members
Jane Oldfield Spearman janeellen.os@gmail.com
Jonathan Winsor, see above
Jan Stephens janetstephens30@gmail.com
Cliff Sinnott cliffsinnott@gmail.com
Karen Patnaude kpatnaude11@comcast.net
Holley Daschbach peacecat123@yahoo.com
Jim Webber sagesinbloom@gmail.com
Roy Jones leroywjones@gmail.com

Renovations Committee
Deb Merrick fjmerrick@gmail.com
Dave Michelsen michelsens@comcast.net
Cliff Sinnott see above
Gwen Kenney sckenney2@msn.com
Nancy Fiske 9nancyfiske@comcast.net
Denise Short denise_short@hotmail.com
Will Urban swurban@aol.com
Jed Waddell Jed.waddell@gmail.com


Excitement is Building! Moving Forward

January 17, 2019

Dear FUUSE members and Friends:

You did it! We did it! This past Sunday morning, with a full sanctuary, the Board of Trustees presented a resolution for community vote, marking a substantial forward step in a building renovations project that has roots stretching back more than 10 years, involving many past and present congregants, and through many big and small design incarnations. The resolution read by Board member Jan Stevens was this:

“Will the Congregation of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Exeter approve proceeding with the renovation plan, subject to modification based on construction bids and available funds from the Building Renovation Capital Campaign. The plan is recommended by the Renovations Committee, has been made available for input and discussion by the Congregation, and approved by the Board of Trustees.”

Stephanie Marshall, serving as moderator for the meeting held immediately following the Sunday morning service, called for discussion, then a motion, then a second, and the voice vote was a resounding yes. Proxy votes, presented by Board member Jonathan Winsor, also were included in the total vote. The resolution required a quorum of members, which was easily met in the room.

There was one relatively swift vote capping a lot of hard work by many members and staff especially in the past year since the successful capital campaign, the forming of a renovations committee to work with selection of an architect and preliminary designs, all guided by the Board and the minister. This will be the first comprehensive update to FUUSE facilities since 1945.

What Happens Now?

The next stage of the renovations is going to involve considerable planning and preparation, all with an eye to construction targeting a start date towards the close of this church year—a mere 5 months from now. We will continue the same process we have up until this point: meeting biweekly, working closely with the architect, soliciting input from all members of the community and staff, holding information meetings, asking for volunteers to help with readying the building (moving stuff!), and communicating via online postings, emails, and monthly letters to inform of progress. 

What Is the Timeline?

With project approval, the architect now will prepare bid set documents (deadline: by end of February). The bid process is estimated to take 8 weeks to the bid award and contract negotiation, including any adjustments to the scope of work. Estimated construction start date will then be set closer to the end of the church year. We will update you as we work with the minister to prepare for what worship and community will look like once construction begins and until it is completed. Construction is estimated to be anywhere from 6 to 8 months from start to finish, leading into the next church year.

How Do I Find Out More?

We will update the website, the FUUSE Facebook page, and send monthly letters between now and the start of construction. Please contact any member of the Renovations Committee or the Board with any questions during this exciting and transformative time. We are excited to be moving forward together and look forward to this next part of our community life.


Board Members
Jane Oldfield Spearman janeellen.os@gmail.com
Jonathan Winsor, see above
Jan Stephens janstephens30@gmail.com
Cliff Sinnott cliffsinnott@gmail.com
Karen Patnaude kpatnaude11@comcast.net
Holley Daschbach peacecat123@yahoo.com
Jim Webber sagesinbloom@gmail.com
Roy Jones leroywjones@gmail.com
Renovations Committee
Deb Merrick merrick@earthlink.net
Dave Michelsen michelsens@comcast.net
Cliff Sinnott see above
Gwen Kenney sckenney2@msn.com
Nancy Fiske 9nancyfiske@comcast.net
Denise Short denise_short@hotmail.com
Will Urban swurban@aol.com
Jed Waddell Jed.waddell@gmail.com


Update as of December 18, 2018

Dear FUUSE Community Members and Friends:

The Board of Trustees unanimously approved moving forward with the preliminary plans for facility renovations at its meeting on December 13, 2018, following a presentation by the architects, Merrimack Design, and the renovations committee.

What’s next?

• The congregation now must vote its approval of the plans at a Congregational Meeting, scheduled for January 13, 2019, in the sanctuary immediately following the Sunday service.

• The schedule is tight, but we are excited to move forward to the next steps of final design, targeting/hiring contractors and beginning work in late spring/summer 2019.  

• If you are not able to attend the January 13th vote you may vote by proxy.  Find a fellow member who is willing to hold your proxy vote and notify Jonathan Winsor of your intent by email or by writing to him care of the FUUSE office address.  A member may only hold a single proxy vote. Questions about proxy voting? Contact Jonathan Winsor of the Board of Trustees at jpwinsor@hotmail.com .

Where can I find information about the plans and schedule?

  • The 24 x 36 drawings will be displayed in the community room or parish hall each Sunday, along with copies of the ‘walk through’ which is a bulleted list providing more detail.
  • Or you can use click on this link which will take you to the info on our website: Renovation
  • Or the plans and walk through will be posted the FUUSE Private FB page

Answering questions:
It is important that each FUUSE member review the available information including plans and details and seek elaborating information before the Congregational Meeting on January 13th.  We have scheduled several Question & Answer sessions as follows, and we encourage you to attend one of these if you are able:

  • December 26, Wednesday 3PM at Riverwoods in the Founders Parlor
  • December 30, Sunday 11AM-12PM
  • January 6, Sunday 11AM - 12 PM
  • January 9, Wednesday 6PM -7PM

Find Out More
We encourage you to reach out and call, email, or buttonhole a renovations committee member or Board of Trustees member any time between now and January 13 with any concerns or questions.

Board members

Jane Oldfield Spearman janeellen.os@gmail.com

Jonathan Winsor, see above

Jan Stephens janstephens30@gmail.com

Cliff Sinnott cliffsinnott@gmail.com

Karen Patnaude kpatnaude11@comcast.net

Holley Daschbach peacecat123@yahoo.com

Jim Webber sagesinbloom@gmail.com

Roy Jones leroywjones@gmail.com


Renovation Committee

Deb Merrick merrick@earthlink.net

Dave Michelsen michelsens@comcast.net

Cliff Sinnott see above

Gwen Kenney sckenney2@msn.com

Nancy Fiske 9nancyfiske@comcast.net

Denise Short denise_short@hotmail.com

Will Urban swurban@aol.com

Jed Waddell Jed.waddell@gmail.com



November 2018:  FUUSE Renovation Committee Continues to Meet with Architect and Congregational Presentations, The committee has continued to meet this fall every other Tuesday, and there have been two updates given to the congregation after services on two separate Sundays including this past Sunday November 11.  The committee is currently continuing to review designs presented by Merrimack and will be further refining plans based on preliminary contractor estimates in order to have something for the Board to review in December followed by congregational approval sometime after the first of the year.. Further information to follow. If you have any questions, please reach out to any member of the Renovations Committee.

What summer break?  The FUUSE Renovation Committee has been busy this summer! (Shared on September 12th)

It's time for an update on the renovation committee and a look at what's coming up in the next few months.  Architect Greg Colling/Merrimack Design (the architect) was selected, signed, and has begun work.  The Renovation Committee met 4 times with Greg over the summer, and subsequent meetings will occur every other Tuesday evening for the next couple of months.  At present the Committee consists of:  Deb Merrick, Dave Michelsen, Denise Short, Gwen Kenney, Nancy Fiske, Will Urban, Jed Waddell and Cliff Sinnott (representative from the Board of Trustees). Conversations and information gathering includes the following:

* The architect has led the meetings with the committee to review scope and priorities and report on the preliminary work he has been conducting in preparation for the design.  He has:

* completed a full baseline schematic of the existing building.

*  provided a preliminary “Building Design Program” for Committee review documenting past and anticipated uses of all spaces that should considered in the design.  

* completed zoning, site plan and building code analysis to understand code requirements and a review of heath code requirements for the kitchen renovation.

*  met and spoke with staff and other committee members such as representatives of the Green Sanctuary Committee and the Music Committee

Coming up:

* Initial schematic design options will be presented to the Committee for review in September.

* In September, scheduled after services on September 23, Merrimack and the Renovation Committee will host an brief in-person meeting with the congregation to give a status update, answer questions, and share a discussion of next steps.


Shared on 5/10/2018

To the FUUSE community:

Thanks to many of you the capital campaign is complete and plans are moving forward for renovating our space. We have raised more than $100,000 above our target campaign goal and expect to have enough money received to start construction in the spring of 2019. Members of the Board of Trustees and the Renovations Committee are carefully planning the next steps:

  • The Board is overseeing the development of a roadmap for how we will select an architect, refine the design within budget, hire a contractor, and proceed with the renovation.   

  • The Finance Committee is advising the Board about options for financing the project so that we can begin construction as quickly as possible.  

Along the way, we will provide regular updates to the congregation on our progress. In the coming months we will be busy interviewing architects, working with the town on approvals, and finalizing plans to present to you all in the fall.

Renovations Committee Activity: The request for proposals (RFP) is being sent out to potential architects this week. This letter to FUUSE members and friends provides an update on where things are, what’s next, how to get involved, and where to find more information. A copy of the RFP can be found on our website via this link: Request for Proposal.

The Renovations Committee prepared the RFP that asks for submittals back by May 9. We are asking five architects to give us their view on the project and hope to have a decision made by the Annual Meeting, on June 10, to present to the congregation.

Schedule: Between April 2018 and September 2019, the process is planned as follows:

  2018  April  Internal planning
 May-June  Select and sign architect
 July-October  Clarify, modify existing design with   congregation and architect
 October-January  Permitting and any necessary   variances
  2019  January  Finalize design
 January-February  Bid project out to contractors
 February  Award construction contract
 March-August  Construction
 September  Project completion

Volunteer Opportunities:
Now is the time to volunteer for a major role in this project. We are putting together the team that will be responsible for carrying the work forward for our congregation, and now is the time to commit yourself to help. We are looking for individuals with skills and experience that might include:

  • background in construction management
  • legal expertise 
  • aesthetics experience
  • communications skills
  • marketing know-how

We have a simple committee structure that is easy to work within for decision-making purposes going forward, and the Renovations Committee will work closely with the Board to get the job done from start to finish. You may be contacted personally about volunteering, but please reach out to us if you have interests and skills in any of those areas.

More Information: Check out the FUUSE newsletter, webpage, and Facebook pages for the latest news about project progress including opportunities to get involved and milestones. In addition, we will be sending out an email letter like this one to update you with progress on a regular basis.

Thanks for being part of this exciting step forward of living into our mission.

If you have suggestions or comments please email Deb Merrick at fjmerrick@gmail.com or reach out to any member of the Renovations Committee.

From the Renovations Committee :

Deb Merrick
Dave Michelsen
Tom O’Gorman
Kristin O’Gorman
Cliff Sinnott

Universe Story at FUUSE

We are celebrating Earth Day here by telling the Universe Story during the worship service on April 22nd.  This is a chance for us to tell the story of the creation of this astonishing universe with playfulness and scientific accuracy!  We read the story of the universe unfolding and members of the congregation step up on the stage of the universe to represent everything from matter forming to the earth forming to life beginning.  You don’t have to know the whole story, just your part!  We are looking for players for many parts in the story – these parts require no rehearsal and there are no lines to remember but you do need to be here by 8:30 on the 22nd to get your cues for participating.  Click here for a list of Parts *** .  Contact Laurie Loosigian for more information about the parts lloosigian@yahoo.com or to sign up.  You can also sign up in coffee hour April 15th.  It’s a joyful and awe inspiring ride to be part of the unfolding of the universe, join us!  Bring a friend.
***  Many of these parts you are invited to bring your own costumes, points for creativity and also for simplicity, the universe loves a wild mix:
Characters with specific parts to play
Matter and gravity, wear marriage outfits
Tiamat, grandmother supernova star
Wears a brilliant outfit and births the sun
Smaller sun - our sun
Mother Earth, brown green outfit turns to green later (Katurah Krep)
Moon (Griffin Rice)
Promethium-photothynthesis Robin Hood like (Olivia Kreps)
Grim Reaper one or two (Bruce Menin)
Flower and Bee-pollination
First Humanoids-cave like people (Paul O-Neil)
Two farmers and two horses (papier-mâché horses in the church attic
Ice Queen (Renay Allen-Hitzrot)
Learned persons (one or two)

chorus members wearing costumes to come up front when called:
Big Bang dancers, stars, planets, comets, meteorites, bacteria, oxygen, worms, fungi and algae, fish, amphibians, insects, tree (Heather Crowley has all the planets that she had made)

People in their seats can participate and come in costume:
Starts, fish, amphibians, frogs, insects, small mammals, birds, flowers, big mammals like wolves, chimps, bears, whales, gorillas, elephants and giraffes

Finding Stillness in the Eye of the Storm

Finding Stillness in the Eye of the Storm - Intro to Mindfulness Meditation Course

Join us for a five week introductory course to mindfulness meditation on Monday evenings in October from 5:30 - 7 pm at FUUSE led by Heather Crowley. Learn the skills of mindfulness as a way to navigate the storms of life we will all inevitably face with a increased sense of calm awareness and equanimity. We will learn informal practices for use in daily life and skills to begin or return to a daily personal meditation practice. All are welcome, no meditation experience necessary, suggested donation of $10 - 125 for the entire course to cover teaching/course materials and to support FUUSE. Minimum of 6 participants. Sign up at coffee hours during September or contact Heather at hlcandblr@yahoo.com.