The Outreach Committee was formed in 2004 with the focus on local giving and service and the establishment of a greater contributing presence for FUUSE in the community. The Outreach mission statement was adopted as follows: The Outreach Committee reaches beyond FUUSE walls by providing meaningful ways to connect, support and enrich others through service, spirit and financial contributions. In addition to researching and selecting local non-profits for our monthly Give-It-Away offering with a focus on homelessness, hunger, and youth and elderly, we also organize the yearly Thanksgiving baskets for SAU 16, Senior Santa gifts for Rockingham Meals on Wheels, collecting food for End 68 Hours of Hunger, CROP Walk, and assisting collection for Dignity Matters. FUUSE supports these efforts wholeheartedly as we make a positive difference in our larger community. Thank you!!
Committees and Groups at FUUSE and their history
Green Tips from the Green Team
Farmers market
♻️ ♻️ A GREEN tip to help honor our Seventh Principle ♻️ ♻️
Here’s what you need to know about the Markets and ponder... “Seacoast Eat Local connects people with sources of locally grown foods and advocates eating locally for the health of our environment, community, culture and economy. Through programs, advocacy and education, we work toward a thriving local food system that improves the profitability and sustainability of local farmers and is accessible to all.”
Get your greens, goat soap, and garlic there, and reduce your carbon footprint. ♻️ ♻️
Gift Giving and Requesting
♻️ A GREEN Tip from your GREEN Team to honor our Seventh Principle ♻️
Buy durable gifts and avoid buying or requesting presents that rely on disposable parts like batteries. Try to look for alternatives, for example, goods that are solar or wind-up powered. BUT, do you have to buy gifts? Not really. Could you buy an "experience" instead? Sure. Try cinema tickets, club memberships, gift tokens. Sponsor an animal, buy those loved ones some rainforest to protect - but don't give them another unwanted gift which they will simply throw away. ♻️ ♻️ ♻️ Thank you. And Peace to All.
Christmas Trees
♻️♻️ GREEN Tip from your GREEN Team ♻️
If you’re planning to purchase a tree this Christmas, the greenest choice is a living tree that can be reused or replanted. If this is not an option, natural cut trees are preferable to artificial varieties. Although artificial trees are potentially endlessly reusable, they are usually made from non-renewable PVC plastic, contain trace amounts of lead, and tend to be discarded after only six holiday seasons. Real Christmas trees provide environmental benefits, as they grow and can be recycled easily after the new year. If just 10% of households planning to buy an artificial tree this year purchased a natural instead, 44 million pounds of non-biodegradable materials could be conserved and diverted from landfills. Do what you can, when you can, and where you can to honor our Seventh.
Did you know it can take 7 or more pounds of grain to produce one pound of beef? And livestock consumes 70 percent of America’s grain? If you HAVE to, eat less of it and choose pasture-fed, sustainably raised beef whenever you can. If you alone gave it up once every seven days, you would save the 840 gallons of fresh water it takes to produce a single serving! Reduce. Eat fish, not beef. Or better yet, plants. .
Lawn Care
♻️ ♻️ ♻️ A GREEN tip from your GREEN Team......Recycle More. Water Less.One of the biggest mistakes made by lawn owners who have a sprinkler system is overusing it! Too much water is costly, wasteful and bad for your lawn. Water early in the morning, not during the afternoon when it’s hot or when it’s windy. More of that precious water will make its way to the roots. Space irrigation cycles as far apart as possible. Let the grass wilt and turn a little blue before watering again. The less you water, the deeper those grass roots will go to look for it. This is a good thing! Overwatering discourages roots from penetrating deep into the soil. They are encouraged to stay close to the surface where the moisture is. A lawn with shallow roots dries out quicker. Not good! ♻️ ♻️ ♻️ Conserve. Repurpose. And honor our UU Seventh Principle. Thank you.
How to Make Donations to FUUSE
If you are writing checks out to FUUSE please send a separate check for each fund or campaign -- for example, the Annual Fund, the Capital Campaign, or Give-It-Away charities. It makes for cleaner fund tracking and helps the office.
Please mail checks to PO Box 627 - it's more secure and weatherproof than sending it to our street address mailboxes.
Would you like to start automated giving? Online giving can automate your donations. It also relieves the staff and volunteers of many hours otherwise spent typing transactions into accounting software, endorsing checks, and taking checks to the bank. With online giving, your donation goes directly into our bank account and the financial data goes directly into our accounting software. FUUSE uses an online donations payment platform called
If you would like to use online giving for both the Annual Fund and the Capital Campaign, set up two separate recurring donation schedules, one for each campaign.
Click here to make a donation.
Click here for FUUSE-specific notes and tips for donating through
Already giving online and want to change it? To change your online giving amount or dates, please be sure you remove your old schedule of payments in and set up a new one. See the FUUSE-specific notes and tips above to see how to change your schedule or payment methods.
Give in the manner in which you are comfortable. The office is open year round and will be accepting online payments (easiest method to process), checks mailed (to PO Box 627 only please) or call us first if you wish to drop a check by the office.
Tutoring support available - contact Nancy Grenier in the office for help setting up your recurring donations.
Thank you for your dedication and the sharing of your treasure with FUUSE to help us fulfill our mission.
Our mission: At FUUSE we seek to build a caring, inclusive community where we can ground ourselves spiritually, pursue justice in the larger society, and work to heal the natural world.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nancy Grenier,
Give it Away Descriptions
Each month, the Outreach committee sponsors a Give It Away Sunday, usually the 3rd Sunday of the month. The committee looks for local non-profits that are working toward the goals of the Outreach team, as requested by the congregation (eg homelessness, youth, elderly, the environment). All donations gathered that morning are sent directly to the organization. Recent recipients include: Seacoast Family Promise, End 68 Hours of Hunger, Community Action Center/St Vincent de Paul, the Gift of Warmth, Connor's Climb, Blue Ocean Society. We continue to be amazed by the generosity of our friends and members at FUUSE.
Universe Story at FUUSE
We are celebrating Earth Day here by telling the Universe Story during the worship service on April 22nd. This is a chance for us to tell the story of the creation of this astonishing universe with playfulness and scientific accuracy! We read the story of the universe unfolding and members of the congregation step up on the stage of the universe to represent everything from matter forming to the earth forming to life beginning. You don’t have to know the whole story, just your part! We are looking for players for many parts in the story – these parts require no rehearsal and there are no lines to remember but you do need to be here by 8:30 on the 22nd to get your cues for participating. Click here for a list of Parts *** . Contact Laurie Loosigian for more information about the parts or to sign up. You can also sign up in coffee hour April 15th. It’s a joyful and awe inspiring ride to be part of the unfolding of the universe, join us! Bring a friend.
*** Many of these parts you are invited to bring your own costumes, points for creativity and also for simplicity, the universe loves a wild mix:
Characters with specific parts to play
Matter and gravity, wear marriage outfits
Tiamat, grandmother supernova star
Wears a brilliant outfit and births the sun
Smaller sun - our sun
Mother Earth, brown green outfit turns to green later (Katurah Krep)
Moon (Griffin Rice)
Promethium-photothynthesis Robin Hood like (Olivia Kreps)
Grim Reaper one or two (Bruce Menin)
Flower and Bee-pollination
First Humanoids-cave like people (Paul O-Neil)
Two farmers and two horses (papier-mâché horses in the church attic
Ice Queen (Renay Allen-Hitzrot)
Learned persons (one or two)
chorus members wearing costumes to come up front when called:
Big Bang dancers, stars, planets, comets, meteorites, bacteria, oxygen, worms, fungi and algae, fish, amphibians, insects, tree (Heather Crowley has all the planets that she had made)
People in their seats can participate and come in costume:
Starts, fish, amphibians, frogs, insects, small mammals, birds, flowers, big mammals like wolves, chimps, bears, whales, gorillas, elephants and giraffes