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Email tip: Keep FUUSE out of your gMail Spam Folder


This tip: 

  • applies only to people who use gMail to read their email. 

  • applies only to people who sometimes find emails from exeteruu.org email addresses in their spam folder.

Some people have reported that emails from minister@exeteruu.org, or office@exeteruu.org or other FUUSE email addresses get put into their spam folders. Gmail allows users to manage incoming mail through filters. Here are some steps to be sure FUUSE emails stay in your inbox -- or another folder you may prefer.

In gMail on your computer, go to your settings. Look for the gear icon to get to settings. 

If you are shown something called “Quick settings” -- click instead on “See all settings.”

Click on the words "Filters and Blocked Addresses” to open a list of rules or “filters” for managing your emails.


Below the list of filters (if you have any), find a link that says “Create a new filter” and click it.


In the dialog box that appears, in the field at the top that is labeled “From:” type the at sign (@) and the domain name exeteruu.org as one “word,”  @exeteruu.org


Also make a mental note of all the other things you could fill in to create other kinds of filters. This dialog is asking you what emails to watch for. Click on “Create filter”-- not on “Search.” 



In the next dialog box that appears, you are being asked what to do with the emails that match your criteria.  Check the box next to “Never send it to spam.” Again, look around and make a mental note of the many other kinds of things you can do to an email through a filter like this. Press the “Create filter” button.


That’s it! Now think of all the other ways you can organize your inbox and other folders, and have fun.

Welcome Letter from Rev. Kendra Ford and Cliff Sinnott, Board Chair

September 10, 2019

Dear FUUSE Friends, 

I hope summer has offered you moments of rest and joy.  This summer was a time for rest and also a time for rebuilding.  It’s a time for vacation and study leave for the minister – I read a pile of books that I look forward to sharing with you and did some climate organizing and updating. Your Board chair spent lots of ‘grandfather’ time, as well as time checking in on the renovation and wrapping his head around being Board chair. 

Our building has certainly been undergoing some transformation.  We’ve walked through it several times now; it feels strange to have it be so empty of the usual church activities, and it is exciting to see the new possibilities beginning to take shape.  If you haven’t stopped by, do.  It looks a little rugged at the moment but it won’t be long before we’ll all see something new.  And you will see why it’s a good idea for us to not try to be in our space this fall!

We begin church just as there is a major push for a Climate Strike and actions to demand our government and corporate leaders take immediate action to reduce carbon emissions.  The UUA is a cosponsor the Climate Strikes. You might want to sign the letter this link which describes why UUs are backing these strikes. https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-on-letter-people-of-faith-for-the-climate-strikes/  I hope you’ll find a way to participate in the strike or other actions that support the changes so needed in our world.  You find more information about the strikes here www.strikewithus.org.  

We will have our Sunday services at the PEA Chapel.  Lots of thinking has gone on this summer about the logistics of being in this new space, and we look forward to being ourselves in a different space.  Bring a friend, we’ve got lots of room!  And our theme for the year comes from one of the books I read this summer, Wayfinding.  It’s about finding our way in the world literally and it’s about telling the story of who we are.  It turns out those two things are connected in the way our minds work.  And the larger world is in turmoil and asking for us to help a find a new way of being together and of leading change.  Join us for a year of wayfinding.  

Kendra and Cliff

Our first service in the PEA chapel will be Sunday September 15th at the usual 9:30am.  It is also our annual Water Service, so remember to bring a bit of water from your summer – hose water, rain water, ocean water.

Now for some details about how things will work in our new space:



  • There are a few parking spaces for people with mobility issues right behind the church – enter off Tan Lane.

  • Otherwise, parking is along Tan Lane, on Front Street, and on local side streets. There is also a good sized parking lot on the left hand side of Tan Lane at the bottom of the hill by the Tan/Main intersection.


Building Facilities:

  • We can use Phillips Chapel Sundays from 8am till 1pm. The doors will be locked and unlocked by PEA security.

  • Someone from PEA facilities will be onsite while we are there. They can help with all building-related questions, and will take care of things like snow removal (hard to think about that now!)

  • There is both an elevator and staircases between the first floor and the lower level, where we will have Coffee Hour.

  • The bathrooms are downstairs, accessible by elevator.  There is one small bathroom on the main level, tucked behind the chancel, but it is best not to use this bathroom during services. 

  • There is a large room just off the sanctuary. Noise leaks between this room and the sanctuary so it isn't a good space for RE, but it is available to us after our service for meetings or other gatherings.

  • In the cellar, there are two rooms for Hindu and Muslim prayer. It is ok to go into them for reflection and prayer, but please note that they are no-shoes spaces.  There is also a small Kosher kitchen off the main kitchen, the door is always closed, and we should not use it.


  • We will be using stick-on name tags. If you’d prefer to keep track of your regular name tag, feel free to pick it up from the FUUSE office and bring it to/from services each week.

  • You will be able to pick up hymnals as you enter the sanctuary, and will be asked to return them to carts as you leave.

  • We will be doing Joys and Concerns and candle lighting in a new way, which Kendra will explain during services.

Coffee Hour:

  • Coffee Hour will be in the basement. There are several round tables, and plenty of chairs, making this a comfortable space.

  • We will be using compostable cups, or you can bring your own cup if you prefer.


  • RE will meet both above and below the sanctuary, and sometimes outdoors. Children will follow the DREs and their teachers to the appropriate spots.

Joan Darlington - Celebration of Life 2019

Joan R. Darlington was born Joan Gilmer Raysor on October 11, 1928 in Pulman Washington and grew up in Lincoln Nebraska.  After University of Nebraska, Joan graduated from The Art Institute of Chicago and then moved to New York City. There she illustrated several books and did other commercial art work.  Then she began teaching arts and crafts at Camp Treetops in the Adirondacks Mountains, followed by teaching art at North Country School, a private school connected to Camp Treetops.


In the 1960s Joan married Sidney Darlington and had two daughters.   The family moved to Durham NH, but spent summers in Randolph NH and hiking with the Randolph Mountain Club.  


Through out her life, Joan loved to sketch and paint.  She developed a distinctive style of water colour painting and could often be seen on hikes and around Randolph with her portable seat and painting equipment.  In a very short time she could capture a mountain vista or forest landscape. She always carried a miniature water colour pad and made paintings and sketches when travelling. She said that painting helped her “see” a scene more clearly.  She was also a weaver, furnishing the family home with many beautiful woven rugs, cushions and mats. Her weaving and sewing brought together her artistic and creative nature and her environmentalist belief in making things by hand from natural fibres whenever possible.

Celebration of Life

Joan Raysor Darlington

1928 – 2019

The Randolph Church

Saturday August 10

10:00 am

Hymn: In Sweet Fields of Autumn 

The tune is Cradle Song, Pg. 93

In sweet fields of autumn the gold grain is falling,

the white clouds drift lonely, the wild swan is calling.

Alas for the daisies, the tall fern and grasses,

when wind-sweep and rainfall fill lowlands and passes.


The snows of December shall fill windy hollow;

the bleak rain trails after, the March wind shall follow.

The deer through the valleys leave print of their going;

and diamonds of sleet mark the ridges of snowing.


The stillness of death shall stoop over the water,

the plover sweep low where the pale streamlets falter;

but deep in the earth clod the black seed is living;

when spring sounds her bugles for rousing and giving.


Welcome, Reverend Mary Edes

Prelude: "Pastorale," I and II by Johann Sebastian Bach, 

Dr. Susan Ferré 

Reading, by Max A. Coots

Opening Remarks

Hymn, 34 For the Beauty of the Earth

Personal Reflections from Family

-David Wilkins

-Clover Koopman

-Barbara Turnbull 

Interlude: "Pastorale," III by Johann Sebastian Bach

Litany of Remembrance,  by Roland B. Gittelsohn

Hymn, In Sweet Fields of Autumn

Closing Remarks

Hymn, 13 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee


Everyone is invited to join us for a reception at Hwerwyl, at the top of Randolph Hill Road, following the service.

Minister's Messages

August 26, 2019

Shine, Kendra Ford

Violence is what happens when we don’t know what to do with our suffering.  Parker Palmer

The train glides down the coastline -- 

the grasses in the mudflat shine in the August sun,

the egrets shine in the grass,

the water shines, lapping at its high tide line.

The world is so beautiful

it is hard to really believe 

that my own species keeps killing each other,

small nuggets of metal and explosive

propelled from a vicious tube of metal.

Because we keep catching this horrible disease

of thinking that some part of us is bad or just not part of us.

There are these fragments of dark video

you can just make out the shooter,

see the gun before he starts shooting.

And then stories of the people who can still think when they hear gunfire,

they helped others escape

and set up blockades, some who grabbed the shooter.

Can you imagine grabbing the shooter, the gun hot from the repeated firings?

The surprising part might be the human weight of the person doing this,

his breath, coming hard as you struggle.

We say it’s evil but that keeps it so far away.

This is a human thing,

this terrible loneliness that turns into rage,

this madness that we could heal ourselves by harming each other.


Some people figure out what to do with the suffering,

Gandhi and MLK, didn’t the light come out of them?

And my first grade teacher, too, voice husky with cigarettes

Who got us all lit up for whales and life

The man who cleaned the church in San Francisco, 

always asking how I was, even though he had lost half his family,

the little girl, her father in prison, who clapped when I bought her lunch,

who asked a hundred questions, so curious and delighted.   

It’s the shine that’s everything.

You might call it God

Which would be fine

But I’ve never a word

That could contain the shine,

That didn’t box it in, turn it into something

To put in your pocket to keep your hands warm, feel safe.


Between the shootings, we try to figure out what to do. 

More and more I think we have lie down in the streets,

Lie down in the malls and schools and the Walmarts and the garlic festivals

Lie down along the border, and refuse to move until this madness ends.

Lie down with our arms around the people we suspect might not be good enough,

However that has wormed into your own mind.  

There is no shame, it’s a virus loose in the world, of course you got it.

We all did.  

Lie down together and refuse to get up, maybe that’s the inoculation.

The train goes into the woods, the world gets darker

But the leaves in the summer afternoon, there is no other word for it, shine.