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Paul Beswick Award

Nomination form for Gratitude: Given in Honor of Paul Beswick

Paul Beswick did much to support FUUSE in the years that he was with us but we never got to recognize him publicly.  Most of the support that he gave the congregation while he was alive, he did anonymously.  Now that he has died, we want our congregation to express its gratitude to Paul by honoring some of the qualities that made him such a fine Churchman.  Each year we will celebrate and express our gratitude to a pledging Member or Friend of FUUSE who exhibits some of Paul’s qualities.  This thank you might go to an individual or you might think of a dynamic duo or group who has done great work around FUUSE, and who, as did Paul.

  • Supports, with time and funds, that which they believe is important in this world, particularly FUUSE

  • Commits to things they love

  • Exhibits a little bit of playfulness or mischief

  • Is innovative, interested in trying new things


Print out the form by clicking here or find one at FUUSE and turn into the office by 

FUUSE Online Directory - how to locate and use it

FUUSE directory
Some have realized that the FUUSE directory is and has been available 24/7 to you on Elvanto.org Elvanto is the most current Directory information to the moment, so it is always your best resource for contacting people.
You do need to log in, so that we keep your information secure and limited to our congregation. If you have not yet logged in to Elvanto, please contact Yvonne Zinicola by emailing: office@exeteruu.org and say "Please send me a link to create my own password and log into FUUSE Elvanto."  Then read the first screen you see after you log in.The directory is easy to use and you can also access it from your smart phone. Contact the office if you requested a printed copy. If these options do not work for you or if you have questions, please contact Nancy Grenier, Office Manager: office@exeteruu.org

Update your listing in the FUUSE Directory
Help make connections. Share a little about yourself in the FUUSE Online Member Directory. Learn more about the person you met Sunday.
Watch the Youtube video, or read the web page articles to get started.  

Click here for the article about how to log in for the first time.

Click here for the article about editing your own personal information.


Collections in the Community Room

There are collection bins in the community room for your donations to people who we support through:

  • End 68 Hours of Hunger- We highlight a few items every month that this organization could use for the backpacks that are sent home weekly to families that are experiencing food insecurity.  We gather the donations and bring them to the drop off location at Tuck Learning Center.
  • WIC (Women, Infants and Children): We continue to collect gently used and clean clothing for children, ages newborn to 8 years.
  • Homeless Youth:  We continue to collect gently used and clean clothing for youth ages 12-22.
  • Dignity Matters - Dignity Matters is a nonprofit organization that collects and delivers feminine hygiene products and underwear to women and girls who are homeless or otherwise in need, in order to help them stay healthy, regain self-confidence and live with basic dignity!  My colleague Cheryl and I have started a chapter to benefit the greater Manchester area.  We accept pads, panty liners, tampons, new underwear and new or gently used bras of any size.  We will be distributing our collection to homeless shelters in the Manchester area at first, then, as we establish relationships with other shelters, we hope to expand or efforts.  If you have any questions, please contact me, Keturah at kkreps44@gmail.com.  So, go check your closets for feminine products that you don't need/use (Yes, we accept opened packages) and check your drawers for bras that just didn't work out.  Bring them to church and drop them in the Dignity Matters box.  I'll take care of the rest.  Thanks so much!


Retrieving Your Donations Tax Statement

FUUSE periodically generates your Giving Statement, showing your tax-deductible contributions to FUUSE during the year. These are now available through our Elvanto Church Management System (ChMS, pronounced "chums"). You can download your own most recent Giving Statement from your profile when you are logged in.

To log in, in your internet browser go to fuuse.elvanto.net, and press the "Login" button at the upper right.

If you have never logged in, or if you do not know your password, click "I forgot my password." 

Once you are logged in, your name will appear at the upper right, where the "Log In" button used to be. Click your name to pull down the menu, and choose "Profile."

Your profile appears in a box at the left, under the word "Me." Find the dollar sign and the word "Giving", and click or tap there to see your personal and private giving information.



On your giving page, and depending on your past giving, you may see three sections: "Latest Giving Statement", "Latest Pledge", and "Latest Transactions." You can click "Download" to get your own copy of your statement. Each of the three sections also has a "View All" button. Tap it to see more than just your most recent statement, pledge, or transaction. 

Online giving "Transactions" are recorded almost as soon as you execute them. Checks and cash transactions may not be entered into the system until a week or two later.

If you believe there are any errors in your statement or your giving records, please communicate with Yvonne, the Office Manager, office@exeteruu.org, 603-772-4002.



Log In to FUUSE ChMS

Logging in for the First Time

If you have filled out a "blue card" or are an active friend or member of FUUSE, your profile -- errors and omissions and all -- has probably already been set up in our Church Management System (Elvanto ChMS). We want you to log in, review it, and correct and improve it. 

To log in for the first time, click "Log In" at the upper right, and then click "forgot password?" and follow the prompts. This won't work if your email address is not already set up in our database. So alternatively, you could send an email to webmaster@exeteruu.org, saying that you want to log in and review your FUUSE ChMS (pronounced "chums") profile. Either way, you will get an email (be patient, it might take a few hours) with some "getting started" directions and a "link" that will allow you to create your own password. 

Facebook or Google Login

You may have a question about the ability to "Link" ChMS to your Facebook or Google account.

According to the discussions in the ChMS forum, nothing gets posted to Facebook from the FUUSE ChMS. That's just a mechanism to make life easier for people who may be logged into Facebook already, but would be challenged or just annoyed by yet another login and password for FUUSE. It lets them validate their identity on the ChMS through their Facebook identification. FUUSE ChMS will then try to pick up your name or picture from Facebook.

If you are a user of GMail or Google Calendar, you can also use your login to Google to connect you with fuuse.elvanto.net. 

In either case, for best results the email address for you in the FUUSE Membership database should be the same one that you used in your Facebook or Google profile.

Send any questions or report any problems to webmaster@exeteruu.org
