We are celebrating Earth Day here by telling the Universe Story during the worship service on April 22nd. This is a chance for us to tell the story of the creation of this astonishing universe with playfulness and scientific accuracy! We read the story of the universe unfolding and members of the congregation step up on the stage of the universe to represent everything from matter forming to the earth forming to life beginning. You don’t have to know the whole story, just your part! We are looking for players for many parts in the story – these parts require no rehearsal and there are no lines to remember but you do need to be here by 8:30 on the 22nd to get your cues for participating. Click here for a list of Parts *** . Contact Laurie Loosigian for more information about the parts lloosigian@yahoo.com or to sign up. You can also sign up in coffee hour April 15th. It’s a joyful and awe inspiring ride to be part of the unfolding of the universe, join us! Bring a friend.
*** Many of these parts you are invited to bring your own costumes, points for creativity and also for simplicity, the universe loves a wild mix:
Characters with specific parts to play
Matter and gravity, wear marriage outfits
Tiamat, grandmother supernova star
Wears a brilliant outfit and births the sun
Smaller sun - our sun
Mother Earth, brown green outfit turns to green later (Katurah Krep)
Moon (Griffin Rice)
Promethium-photothynthesis Robin Hood like (Olivia Kreps)
Grim Reaper one or two (Bruce Menin)
Flower and Bee-pollination
First Humanoids-cave like people (Paul O-Neil)
Two farmers and two horses (papier-mâché horses in the church attic
Ice Queen (Renay Allen-Hitzrot)
Learned persons (one or two)
chorus members wearing costumes to come up front when called:
Big Bang dancers, stars, planets, comets, meteorites, bacteria, oxygen, worms, fungi and algae, fish, amphibians, insects, tree (Heather Crowley has all the planets that she had made)
People in their seats can participate and come in costume:
Starts, fish, amphibians, frogs, insects, small mammals, birds, flowers, big mammals like wolves, chimps, bears, whales, gorillas, elephants and giraffes