TRAINING FOR SANCTUARY VOLUNTEERS: The Seacoast Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition is preparing to provide sanctuary to an immigrant family facing the threat of deportation. We need overnight volunteers and others who will share the wonderful work of this important endeavor. Interested volunteers are invited to join us for Part 1 of a two-part volunteer training on either June 27, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm at First Parish Church, 218 Central Avenue in Dover. Join us to learn about program expectations and values, and to get to know our team. We will focus specifically on the role of the overnight volunteer, but all interested people are welcome. Note: Part 2 will take place later in the summer.
Refreshments will be provided. Registration is required so please RSVP to Charlotte Ramsay, your congregation’s volunteer coordinator, (
*The Seacoast Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition is a gathering of faith communities and individuals who strive to follow the teachings at the core of our various faith traditions: Love our neighbor and welcome the stranger. We are dismayed by (1) the current treatment of undocumented immigrants; (2) the separation of families by needless deportation; and (3) the appalling increase in hate-filled speech and hate-inspired violence in our country. We place ourselves in solidarity with our immigrant neighbors and offer sanctuary to immigrant families who face threats of detention, deportation, family separation, and violence.