The Buzz (of Announcements) Before the Hum (of the Singing Bowl) is a new initiative to coordinate a 5-minute period of announcements prior to the start of Sunday Services.
Each Sunday, beginning at 9:25 AM, one of four designated people will make announcements about FUUSE activities and events from the front of the Sanctuary. A musical riff will signal the start of The Buzz. If you come later than 9:25, please, enter quietly so those who wish to hear the announcements may do so. At 9:30, Kendra will ring the singing bowl (The Hum) and our service will begin. Announcements about FUUSE activities and events must be submitted in writing in advance to Dawn Huebner (PC Chair). Please keep your announcement brief (aim for 30-seconds), and submit it by Wednesday for announcement the following Sunday. Submissions may be made through Chms (formerly Elvanto) by clicking on this link, or given to Dawn in person.Announcements are only for FUUSE-related activities and events. No personal or political announcements, please.