CROP Hunger Walk - Sunday, October 14 - Walk begins at Swasey Park at 12:30p (rain or shine) - FUUSE has been part of this Seacoast Hunger Walk for 36 years. Join this effort in 2018 to ease the hunger many feel in our commuties. Families are still hungry in the Seacoast and Exeter Area - and around the Globe.  We have 5 area food pantries and they need your help to offer food to the hungry. We can do this by your donation. There are 3 ways to donate (1) Give-It-Away plate with at check made to CWS/CROP (2) Not here on Oct 14? Send your check to  P.O. Box 627, Exeter, NH 03833 (3) Go to the CWS website and donate on line. Click here for link. Please remember that for every $1 you give; $20 of food can be purchased from the NH Food Bank!  And then, walk with other FUUSE members on Sunday, Oct 14 at 12:30 from Swasey Park.  You can  show your support for ending hunger by walking on this 2 or 3 mile walk. Contact: Sally Coleman at