Dear FUUSE members and families,
This past year the Board of Trustees set goals for itself which were informed by the results of the last congregational survey. Specifically, three areas were identified as needing special focus: Leadership training, religious education and stewardship. Here is an update on progress that has been made so far this year through the efforts of many in our community:
In the area of leadership studies, Jim Weber and Jane Oldfield Spearman are working on Leadership/Adult religious education joined by Janet Stephens and other members of the congregation. Possibilities include: Know Your Self as a Leader Using the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Committee Leadership/ Meeting Management, and the leadership courses sponsored by the UA New England region. Courses will begin this winter. Church members with experience and interest are stepping forward as course leaders. We welcome all who wish to participate.
In response to feedback from the survey, RE is thinking adjusting their model to make church a whole-life experience. RE is moving towards full engagement of all of our young people – from toddlers through teenagers – in the activities and experience of church. What this looks like is all ages with us in the sanctuary for much of the service. The idea is that coming to church isn’t about being in another space for kids – or about adults having “time off” from their kids – but about youth experience in church. Growing up engaged in a holistic relationship to the church community.
For the amount of time that kids are out of the sanctuary – the kids are now organized by age – the 3-6 year olds, the 2nd-5th graders and then 6th-12th graders. This allows for peer conversation and learning that is age appropriate. Activities are built to reflect on Kendra’s service for that week to keep the youth engaged in relevant conversation and topic.
We are also working to make sure that acts of service show up throughout the experience as well. There is no formal “youth group” this year – the 6th-12th graders will be doing activities outside of the Sunday services – but we will also be incorporating work and activities into Sunday schedules as well.
Finally, the Stewardship Committee plans to conduct research and outreach this winter to identify ways in which the Annual Fund yearly campaign can be improved and refined to better meet the diverse needs of FUUSE. They have also set the goal of determining how the Annual Fund drive can be more fun, a joyful expression of our community, and shorter! In order to do this, they plan to conduct an online survey to solicit opinions and ideas about the annual fund, host a focus group on stewardship topics, and finally hold an "old school" discussion meeting with the community If you are interested in this topic and would like to volunteer your particular expertise to execute these initiatives, please contact Donna Jensen at:
The Board of Trustees
Chair, Jane Oldfield-Spearman
Treasurer, Jim Breeling
Secretary, Jim Webber
Members at large: Holley Daschbach, Leroy Jones, Karen Patnaude, Cliff Sinnott, Janet Stephens, and Jonathan Winsor
Ex-officio member: Rev. Kendra Ford